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Tag: Power Query

Whither Power Pivot for SharePoint? A Comparison With Power BI

Power BI is a hot topic within the Microsoft Business Intelligence community. Since it was announced last July at the Worldwide Partner Conference in Houston, it’s pretty well been the only thing that has gotten discussed with regard to Microsoft BI. There are good reasons for this, the addition of a mobile BI story, its ease of use, and it’s compelling new features (Power Q&A!) make it the shiny new toy. I’ve certainly been paying a great deal of attention to it, but what about the more traditional products, in particular Power Pivot for SharePoint?

One of the big questions around Power BI is whether or not there will be an on premises version of Power BI. Whenever asked, Microsoft responds with “Power BI will initially be available through Office 365”. This answer causes concern to those with requirements that can not or may not be met by a cloud based solution. Many worry that Microsoft’s move into devices and services are leaving on premises installations behind. I’ve been of the opinion that this is evidence of a “cloud first” release strategy, as opposed to a “cloud only” release strategy. Recent statements by Microsoft officials would tend to confirm this, but the question should be asked, does it even make sense to bring Power BI on premises?

A little explanation is in order. The collection of tools that is Power BI is centred around the x-Velocity data model that is part of Excel 2013, and available through Power Pivot in Excel 2010. All of the client based design tools can be used with Excel without the need for a Power BI license. With Power Pivot for SharePoint, it has been possible to interact with these data models through a browser for several years already, and with the 2013 updates to Office 365, it is even possible to interact with these models in the cloud. What has been missing from the Office 365 BI story has been an automatic way to keep on premises data refreshed, and the ability to work with large models.

While these two capabilities have been available on-prem for years through Power Pivot for SharePoint, they are only coming available to Office 365 now with Power BI. It doesn’t really make sense to bring these capabilities on-prem when they already exist. However, complicating this picture is the host of new capabilities that are being introduced by Power BI. In many ways, it’s a “leapfrog” product, filling in gaps in some areas, while moving forward in others. A comparison of the two products can be seen below.


Let’s walk through these features. Obviously both products work with the embedded x-Velocity data models. Power Pivot for SharePoint from SQL Server 2012 SP1 can render Power View in Excel, as can Power BI. Power View has some interesting variations however. Through the Power View that is available via Power Pivot gallery, live Power View reports can be exported to PowerPoint decks. This feature is not available through Excel Power View, or through Power BI. On the flip side, on-prem Power View reports (both types) use Silverlight for rendering, whereas Power BI will allow both Silverlight and HTML 5 renderings (confused yet?).

Both Power Pivot for SharePoint and Power BI are powered by an Analysis Services engine. The Power Pivot gallery available on-prem provides for the ability to connect to that engine through Excel with an Analysis Services connection. This makes the embedded model created in one workbook available to Excel clients as what appears to be a data cube. This is not available through Power BI, although the OData publishing features fills that gap somewhat.

The ability to refresh the data in the embedded model is critical and is to my mind, the most important feature in Power BI. However, at best, this brings it to parity with Power Pivot for SharePoint. For the moment it supports only SQL Server on-prem data sources where Power Pivot for SharePoint supports all Power Pivot data sources for refresh. As of this writing (December 2013) neither product supports the refresh of Power Query data sources, but this has been promised for Power BI “soon”. No announcement has yet been made as to the refresh of Power Query data sources on-prem.

The default maximum file size for SharePoint 2013 is 200 MB, and the default maximum workbook size for Excel Services is 10 MB. These values can be changed on prem, making the maximum possible size for a data model equal to the maximum possible file size in SharePoint – 2 GB. This equates to the maximum file size in Office 365 as well, but that 10 MB Excel Services limit can’t be changed in Office 365. Power BI supports model sizes up to 250 MB by removing the model portion from the workbook, and housing it in an Analysis Services instance, allowing the workbook to remain within the 10 MB limit. It’s wonderful to be able to move beyond the 10 MB limit that we’ve had, but it’s not without its limits.

Both products have a thumbnail gallery, but the one available through Power BI sites is arguably more sophisticated, and it doesn’t rely on Silverlight for rendering. The rest of the feature set outlined above is all in Power BI’s favour. Power Pivot SharePoint will optimize workbooks (move the data model into Analysis Services) on first interaction, but Power BI can do that ahead of time, minimizing user inconvenience. The rest of the feature set, OData feeds for on-prem data, Power Q&A, and mobile clients are only available with Power BI.

The fact that Power BI for SharePoint on premises has not been announced isn’t as disappointing as it may seem. Parts of it, the Data Management Gateway in particular, aren’t even necessary in an on-prem scenario. This is pure speculation on my part, but if I had to bet, I would expect to see the relevant features from Power BI (Power Q&A, OData publishing) put into Power Pivot for SharePoint in a future release of that product. It also wouldn’t surprise me to see it renamed to Power BI for SharePoint. As to when this could happen I have absolutely no idea, but we should keep in mind that this is a product that ships with SQL Server, not with SharePoint, and I haven’t heard of anything like this in the previews of SQL Server 2014.


Changes to the Power BI Data Management Gateway – Nov 2013

Several of the Power BI preview components were updated last week, most notably, Power Query and the administration app in BI sites. Without much fanfare, the Data Management Gateway was updated as well. There is a fair bit of documentation on what’s new in Power Query, and I’ve added my own thoughts here. There’s also some documentation outlining the changes to the the admin application here. However, although I looked, I haven’t found anything for the DMG.

I therefore decided to poke around a bit myself, and discovered a few things. This should obviously not be taken as a comprehensive list, and if I find anything else, I’ll update it. What follows are the changes that I’ve observed.

Performance Improvements With Azure data sources

In my article on working with the data management gateway, I observed that refreshing a relatively large model (1MM rows, 20 columns) required upwards of 10 minutes. After updating the my version of DMG, refresh required only about 1.5 minutes. I am told that performance was a focus for the team, and that focus appears to have paid off.

No more Gateway Limits

If you set up an on premises data source, you can expose it as an OData feed, and consume it with Power Query. In early testing, users would bump into a limit with large data sets. As soon as the data stream hit 100 MB, an error would result. This was due to a built in limit in the gateway. In current testing, it appears that this limit has been completely removed in this version.

Oracle support

Until now, the only data refresh support has been for SQL server. In this version of the gateway, Oracle support has been added. I haven’t tested it, as I don’t have any Oracle handy, but it’s there.


Credential storage and use

When creating a data connection, it is necessary to input credentials. These credentials are used to connect to the original data source when the model is refreshed. Due to security constraints, Microsoft cannot “see” the credentials, and they are stored locally. With this version of the gateway, there is now an option to save the (encrypted) credentials in the cloud. This helps with restoring gateways. 

System Health OData Feed

In the admin center, it’s possible to get quick visibility into the performance of all gateway machines.


With the November 2013, you can also get this performance information via an OData feed, and perform your own analysis, and use tools like Power View to visualize it.


This is what I’ve uncovered so far. I’ll update this post if I learn of any more.

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Changes to Data Loading in the November 2013 Power Query Update

Last week, Microsoft released a new version of the Power Query preview for Power BI. It’s a significant update and contains some welcome improvements. I’m not going to list them all out here, as the Power BI team has done so here on their blog. I do however want to focus in on the changes to the basic data load procedure, and how queries are built. The process is easier, and significantly faster, but I still have some concerns, which I will get to.

Most of the changes concern data navigation. One of the major changes is the ability to directly use T-SQL when importing data from SQL server. This makes the tools significantly more useful when dealing with complex queries, or if you just happen to be handy with T-SQL. The opportunity to use your query occurs immediately after you select SQL Server as a data source.


Once you click OK, you are presented with the new Query editor window. Previously, the navigator and the query were contained in this window, but the “meta” query information, such as the query name and load properties were displayed along with the data in the worksheet. This lead to a fair bit of confusion, and this new change is welcome. You can see this new unified dialog below.


It’s worth pointing out a few things about this window. Firstly, at the top, we see the new editor ribbon. All of the functions in the ribbon were previously available in context menus, but the ribbon makes them far more discoverable (and therefore easier to use). In the command line, you can see that the native T-SQL query has been transformed into the internal Power Query language. It can be edited further at this point. On the right of the window you can see that in addition to the Applied Steps list, you can edit the name of the query, and change the load settings. Previously, the load had to be initiated before the settings could be changed, and this is therefore quite welcome. However, I still have some concerns with how this works, and I’d like to expand on it further.

To start with, I believe that the defaults are backwards. Previously (and with an older version of Power Query) I discussed the different ways that you can bypass Excel and load data directly into the data model. This is important not simply because of the row limit in Excel (1,048,576 rows) but because of the limits imposed on Excel Services by Office 365 (10 MB file size). Power BI allows for data models up to 250 MB, but only if the data is contained in the model – the 10 MB Excel limit still applies. I discuss this at length in this article.  With this default, users will load data into the worksheet without thinking about it, upload the file to Power BI, and run straight into the file size limit. I can see this as being very frustrating, and limiting adoption.

Another option might be to warn the user – “your file size is approaching 10 MB – would you like to load data into the model exclusively?”, or something of that nature.

My other concern is that now you don’t necessarily need to see the Query editor at all when importing data. On the surface, this is a good thing, and if the data load defaults were as I suggest, I would cheer it, but we run directly into the same problem right now. Let’s say that I just want to import a lot of data from a single SQL table. From Excel, I will just select the Power Query tab, and select “From SQL Server Database”. Now if I don’t enter a custom query as above, and click OK, I won’t see the editor window. Instead, I see the data navigator in the worksheet.


One big feature to note here is the checkbox on the top of the navigator “Select Multiple Items”. With this version of Power Query, you can now select multiple tables at once – something that was previously unavailable. While you can bring up the editor window by selecting the Edit Query button at the bottom, you can load the data simply by clicking on the Load button. This is simple, but doing so will load all of the data directly into Excel. At best, you wind up with a workbook that is likely too big for Power BI (obviously depending on the amount of data), but at worst you bump into the row limit.


Unfortunately, when this happens, it isn’t immediately obvious how to fix the problem – the edit query button disappears. You can edit the query by double clicking on the query name, and changing the load options. However, users may just assume that they can’t use Power BI to do what they need, which is dead wrong. Again, even a few warning dialogs here would help significantly.

I like this new Power Query. It’s easier, has more features, and is significantly faster than its predecessors. I would also like to see it succeed, and I’d hate misunderstandings, or minor UI issues to get in the way of that. 


Analyzing Data with Power BI from Beginning to End

I’ve been writing a fair bit lately about specific aspects of Power BI, and how they all fit together. I decided to put together a “real world” demonstration of as many aspects of the product as possible, and this article is the result. I don’t dive too deep on any of the specific areas, but hopefully this walkthrough will help give a sense of the power and simplicity of working with this (these?) tool (s).

In this example, we will explore some publicly available data published by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). To do so, we will first use Power Query to acquire and transform the data. Next, we will utilize Power Pivot to build our model, and then create a Power Pivot and a Power Map to visualize it. Finally, we will publish the data to a Power BI enabled site where it can be consumed by anyone with a browser or a mobile client.

Data Acquisition and Transformation with Power Query

The NOAA keeps a record from about 800 weather stations around the world. The data collected includes daily maximum and minimum temperatures, rainfall, and a host of other measures. All of this data is available through their web/ftp site here. Well it should be. As I write this, the site is offline, as are most other US government websites. Luckily, I have a local copy of all the files. Feel free to contact me for a copy if they’re not back soon. Update – For the interim, I’ve made the files available here.

The way that the data is provided is via a series of text files. Each text file in a folder represents a single weather station, and each row contains all the data for a given measure for a month. The data are not delimited, they are distinguished by their position in the row, with the data for each day in the month being presented as a separate measure. Normally, a tool like SSIS would be required to transform the data into something that could be analyzed, but as you’ll shortly see Power Query is up to the task.

Unfortunately, Power Query cannot work with FTP sources, but it’s a rather simple matter to copy the files from the FTP site to a local drive, and there are tools that can keep the content synchronized for refresh purposes. Note, if anyone from Microsoft is reading this, I believe that FTP and WebDAV folders would be a great supplement to the Folder data source, particularly when it comes to automatic refresh. Once we have the files locally, we can begin the import process. First, we open a new Excel workbook, select the Power Query tab, and then in the “From File” dropdown, we select the new feature “From Folder”.


Next, we select the folder that contains all of the data files. Power Query returns the data for the files in the folder.


In our case, the file name does correspond to the ID of the station, but the rest of the file metadata is not that useful to us. However, what is useful is the fact that using Power Query, we can drill into the files. Depending on the requirement, this can be done one of two ways. By clicking on the word “Binary” in the Content column, you will be able to drill into that file, and subsequent operations will be performed on that file. However, if you click on the little drilldown icon at the right of the Content column header, you will drill into all files in the folder. Subsequent operations will be performed on all files in the folder, and refresh operations will pick up any new files.

It should be noted that for this to work, all files in the folder must have the same schema. (In addition to data like this, this feature is particularly useful for parsing and iterating through server log files.) Since we want all station data, this is the operation that we will perform next. What we get back is a column of seemingly randomly structured data.


Luckily for us, there is a key to the data structure (found in the file readme.txt if you’re following along). The basic key pattern is:

Variable   Columns   Type
ID            1-11   Character
YEAR         12-15   Integer
MONTH        16-17   Integer
ELEMENT      18-21   Character
VALUE1       22-26   Integer
MFLAG1       27-27   Character
QFLAG1       28-28   Character
SFLAG1       29-29   Character
VALUE2       30-34   Integer
MFLAG2       35-35   Character
QFLAG2       36-36   Character
SFLAG2       37-37   Character
  .           .          .
  .           .          .
  .           .          .
VALUE31    262-266   Integer
MFLAG31    267-267   Character
QFLAG31    268-268   Character
SFLAG31    269-269   Character

In plain English, this means that the first 11 characters are the ID (the station ID actually, from which the country can be extracted), the next 4 characters are the year, the next 2 the month, the next 4 the “element” (the measure name). The next 4 “variables” are the value (5 characters), and 3 different flags (one character each, which we are not interested in) for the first day of the month. This pattern of 4 variables is then repeated 30 more times, once for each day of the month. A value of –9999 represents a null value.

We have some parsing to do.

Luckily, Power Query makes this (relatively) easy. Right click on the column header, select split column, and then select number of characters.


Next, for our first column, we set the number of characters to 11, and we tell it to split once, as far left as possible. We’ll use this option for our remaining splits.


Click on OK, and we will now have 2 columns. We then right click on the leftmost column, and rename it to ID.


Next, we right click on our rightmost column header and repeat the process (using 4 characters this time), this time renaming it to Year. We then do the same for the month (2 characters) and element (4 characters) columns. Once this is done, we can click the dropdown on the elements column. Since we are only interested in the maximum and minimum daily temperatures, we deselect all, and reselect these two elements. This will limit the amount of data that we will pull into our model.


At this point, it is also worth noting the steps window on the right hand side of the query editor. This shows all of the transformation steps that have occurred to get us where we “are”. Any of these steps can be deleted, which is very useful if a mistake is made, and all subsequent steps will be affected by it. Clicking on a previous step takes you back to that point in the development of the transformation as well.

Once we have filtered our data, we continue on with the parsing. We then split off the next 5 columns, and rename the column to “1”. The next three columns we don’t need, so we first split them off (3 characters) and then delete the column by right clicking and selecting “Remove”. We then repeat this, renaming the value column to 2. Finally, we continue repeating this process until the value for 31 is complete. This is a tremendously tedious process, but it works rather well. I’ll make another feature request here for anyone in a position to do something about it. In the Power Query editor, it would be nice to be able to select a number of steps and either copy them forward, or be able to repeat them x times. This would save a great deal of time in these situations.

Its also a good idea to give the query an understandable name, so we right click on “Query 1” and rename it to “Temperature Data” .


As mentioned above, the figure –9999 represents a null value. Well, we know this, but the model won’t. At this point we need to convert these to proper nulls. The way that this is done is to select all of the numbered column headers, right click on them and then choose “Replace Value”. We replace the value –9999 with the word null.


Now that we have our nulls, our data is good. However, from an analysis perspective, the data is hardly in the best shape. What we need is to is to have each day’s data represented by a row, not a column. Once again, Power Query provides a method for us to accomplish this through the unpivot function. Simply select all of the numbered columns, right click, and choose “Unpivot Columns”.


Instantly, the numbered rows are transformed into rows, with the column titles in a column named “Attribute”. Simply rename it to “Day”, and we’re ready to import our data. To do so, click “Done” and Power Query will begin the extract, transform, and load process. In this case, it takes quite some time to iterate through all of the files (about 15 minutes) so be patient.

While the data is loading, you will need to make some adjustments to your Query Settings (to the right of your Excel window). Specifically, you’ll want to turn off the “Load to worksheet” option. As I’ve discussed previously this is important to keep the size of the actual worksheet small. in this case, it’s also important as the sheer volume of data exceeds Excel’s ability to store it. When complete, your worksheet should appear as follows.


You can see that there’s a fair amount of data here, about 31.5 million rows. Did I mention that we’re working with Excel here? We’ve disallowed loading to the worksheet, so at this point, we need to load into the embedded data model. Do that by clicking on the link at the bottom of the Query Settings screen.

There is also some more supporting data that we want to bring into our model. The following files need to be imported:

  • ghcnd-stations.txt – contains metadata for all of the different weather stations
  • ghcnd-countries.txt – contains metadata for all participating countries
  • ghcnd-states – contains metadata for US states and Canadian provinces

The keys to these files are also in the readme.txt file, and we bring in their data using the same procedure that we used above for the actual weather data, with the exception that we use the “From file” data source. Finally, we give each query a logical name.

The beauty of all this is that anytime we wish, we can refresh the data. Any new or changed data will be picked up and added to the model following our transformation.

Model Editing In Power Pivot

Once this is complete, we are ready to edit our model. We do so by selecting the Power Pivot tab, and clicking “Manage” in the ribbon. First, we work on the actual temperature data tab. The temperature values reported are in tenths of a degree Celsius. This doesn’t mean much to most people, we should at least report the data in degrees C. To do this, Click on Add Column, and add the formula [Value]/10. Rename the column to Temperature.

We always want to be working with temperature averages. To do so, add a calculated measure named Average Temperature (C) (in the calculation area at the bottom). Its formula should be Average Temperature (C):=AVERAGE([Temperature]). We no longer need the value column or the temperature column for analysis, so we need to hide them from client tools. To do so, select both the Value header and the Temperature header, right click and select “Hide from Client Tools”. Finally, we set the formatting of our calculated measure to be Decimal Number.


Next, we want to establish a relationship between the data and the country table. We don’t have a column for country, but according to the data key, the first two characters of the country code correspond to the country code. We can therefore add another calculated column with the formula LEFT([ID],2). We then rename the column to Country Code. We only need this column for the relationship, so we can hide this from client tools as well.


To establish the relationship, change to the diagram view in the ribbon. Drag the Country Code field from the Temperature Data table onto the CountryCode field from the Countries table. While we’re in this view, we can drag the ID field from Temperature Data onto the ID field of the stations data. this will allow us to take advantage of the location of each of the stations. Finally, drag the State column from the Stations table onto the State Code column of the States table. At this point, we can go ahead and hide any unnecessary columns from client tools.


Our model is ready. At this point, we can move forward with analysis.

Create a Simple Power View Report

We want to create a simple Power View report to display temperature trends over time, Move back to the Excel Workbook and click the Insert tab in the ribbon. Then select the Power View button – this opens up a new Power View design surface. We won’t be needing the Filters window, so we can close that.

Right away, if you look at the Power View Fields window, you will notice that every table is duplicated – one with a “filled in” title bar, and one without. This window is displaying both defined Power Query queries, and the table contained within the model (Power Pivot). The “filled in” one is the one that we want to be working with. Using the other will cause duplicate tables to be created in the model – something that we obviously don’t want. This is due to an issue with the preview for Power Query and should be fixed in the near future.

We’ll be working with “Average Temperatures”  as a measure so from the start, we’ll pick it and “Year” from the Temperature Data table. Year is a number, so Power View will want to total it by default. We don’t want this, so in the Fields selector, select the dropdown for year and select “Do Not Summarize”.


Next, resize the table on the design surface so that it fills the width of the report. Then, with the table selected, from the Design tab in the ribbon, select “Other Chart” and “Line”


What we get is a graph of overall average of all recorded temperatures starting around 1840. It might be more interesting to see the maximum and minimum temperatures, so to do that, just select the “Element” field, and Power View will add it to the Legend, showing both values, maximum temperature in blue, minimum in red. It would be nice if we could switch those colours, but unfortunately, all you can do at the moment is to select a different theme, none of which start with red.

Next, it would be nice to be able to see this data by individual reporting country. We can do this by first displaying a chart showing the overall average temperature per country. We click on the design surface outside of the temperature chart, and select the ”Country” field from the Country table, and the “Average Temperature” field from the Temperature Data table. Again,we resize the table to the width of the report, and then select “Column Chart”, “Clustered Column from the Design tab. We then get a scrollable list of countries with their overall average temperatures.

We could sort this by temperature, but since it will service as a picker, alphabetical makes more sense. Being from Canada, I’m naturally interested in our weather patterns, so I click on the Canada data bar (a negative value…shiver). Immediately the report above is filtered by Canadian data.


It seems that this whole climate change thing isn’t working out as well as I’d hoped….

Finally, we want to give the report a good title, and clean up some formatting. After we do this, we can move on to the next step, creating a Power Map report.

Create a Simple Power Map Report

Creating a Power Map is similar to a Power View. From the Insert tab on the ribbon, select Map, and then “Launch Power Map” from the dropdown.


At this point a new window will be launched where you can build your Power Map report. What we want to do is to show the relative temperatures for each country using a colour scale from low to high, and to show the average maximums and minimums for each recording station. To start with, for our first layer, we are going to use Country from the Countries table for our Geography data, so we select it. Every country with data will get a small point on the map.


Clicking next, we then get to select our data for the first layer. The data that we want to map is Average Temperature, So we select it. The resulting column visualization makes the earth look like a pincushion. What we want is to fill in the country boundaries with relative colour values. To do this, we select the  region type for the visualization. This is better, but it fills the regions with shades of blue from light blue to dark blue for the warmest averages. It’s far more typical for red to represent heat, and we can do this by first selecting the settings icon.


We can then select a colour palette for our data, and red is a more logical color. Now you can spin the globe around to check out your next vacation hotspot. However, we want to get more specific than country, we also want to plot details for each reporting weather station. First, we need to add a layer. To do so, click on the Layers icon and select the add layer icon.


We then repeat the same steps that we did for the first layer, only instead of selecting country, we select Latitude and Longitude for the geography fields. After clicking Next, we leave the report as a Column type, and select Average Temperature as the height. Next, we select Element as the category option. We want the report to use clustered columns, so we now select that option to the right of the category title.


Finally, we want TMAX to be red, and TMIN to be blue, so we again click on the settings icon for this layer, and set the colours appropriately.


From this, it’s easy to see why Canada’s numbers are so low – there are a disproportionate number of stations in the far north! We’re now ready to share our report with Power BI.

Sharing Reports With BI Sites

Sharing your report is almost as simple as saving to a BI Sites enabled Office 365 library. We can either upload it directly, or save it to a SkyDrive Pro enabled folder, which is what I do. At this point, the file is 100 MB. On a side note…. this Excel file, that contains over 30 million rows of data is only 100 MB in size. That’s impressive. After the file appears in the O365 library, we can attempt to open it. However if we do, we’ll get a message saying that the file is to big to open in the browser.

That would be true in a regular Office 365 library, but it isn’t too large for Power BI. The problem is that first, the file needs to be enabled. More information of file size limits and enablement can be found here. To enable the workbook for Power BI, first navigate the the Power BI app, locate your file (it will be showing a small caution symbol), click the ellipsis, and select “Enable”.

Enabling the file will perform a few operations:

  • The model will be extracted from the file and stored elsewhere, drastically reducing the file size
  • A thumbnail is extracted from the file and used in the tile

It should be noted that if the file is uploaded via the Power BI app, the saving and enablement steps will be performed automatically.

Clicking on the file, either here, of within its actual library will now open the file, and we can also interact with the model (in this case by clicking on the data for Bermuda).


At the top, you’ll notice a warning message. It is letting you know that although this workbook can be viewed in a browser, and interacted with, it cannot be edited in a browser. This is because it is beyond the maximum edit size limit of 30 MB. You may also notice that we are using an HTML5 version of our Power View report. By default, Silverlight is used, but if you click on the new icon on the bottom left of the report, HTML5 will be used. It will also be used if you have a system that does not support Silverlight. This is true anywhere in Office 365, not just in Power BI enabled sites.

Finally, you may also notice that our Power Map report is missing from the equation. This is because for the moment, Power Map is not supported in the browser. A workaround for the time being is to export the Power Map report to an MP4 video file, and store it separately. MP4 files can be rendered in a browser, and on mobile devices.

Viewing In the Power BI Mobile Apps

Speaking of mobile devices the Power BI app for Windows 8 is currently available in the Windows store, with a version for iOS coming shortly. Once installed and run you’ll be shows a couple of sample reports from a demo site. To navigate to your own site, right click anywhere, or swipe up from the bottom, and select “Browse”.


On the next screen, we can select from our registered sites. If our site has not yet been registered, we can do so by again right-clicking, or swiping up. Then, we can enter the URL of your site. The URL to be entered here is that of the parent site of the library in which your report is stored. Once we load from this site, it will be automatically registered.

The next few screens allow us to navigate down to the file in question. Once the file appears in the list, selecting it (not opening it) gives us the option to save it as a favourite. If we mark a report as a favourite, it will appear on the home screen whenever the app is started.


Finally, opening it will open the first names object in the file. You can navigate to other named objects by right clicking, or swiping down from the top.


As you will notice, all names objects in the workbook appear by default. We can control what appears through the Excel publishing options, as outlined here.

As you can see, we have just taken a very large amount of publicly available data, transformed it and analyzed it within Excel, and published it out for everyone in the organization no matter what device they are using. I haven’t even gotten into the Q&A piece – primarily because it’s not available yet for custom data sets. I plan on updating this article when it is.

Power BI is powerful indeed.


Software Boundaries and Limits for Power BI

The Office team have published a  comprehensive resource outlining all of the current boundaries and limits for SharePoint Online generally. Power BI offers a host of new capability, and in the absence of anything official from Microsoft, I thought it might be a good idea to itemize my findings below. I’m clearly leaving things out, and if you have something to add, I’d love to here from you. This list is over and above the inherent boundaries of Office 365.

This is obviously not official, and I’ll try to modify it as these limits change, but for now, here are the current limits for Power BI, in its preview form.

Feature Description
Maximum workbook size (not enabled) 10 MB
Maximum size of non-model workbook data (enabled) 10 MB
Maximum size of data model 250 MB
Maximum workbook size (enabled) 260 MB (250 MB model + 10 MB workbook data)
Maximum size of workbook for editing 30 MB (This includes interactive refresh. Larger workbooks still support interaction)
Number of tables/views in a database visible to Power Query Navigator 2,000
Maximum number of thumbnail reports in Mobile application 6
Maximum OData query size with the Data Management Gateway 100 MB


Updated 2013-11-17 – Navigator limit changed to 2,000 and OData query limit removed with the Nov 2013 version of the gateway.

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