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License Requirements for SQL Server Reporting Services in SharePoint Integrated Mode

As I am keen to point out every opportunity I get, when installing SQL Server Reporting Services in SharePoint Integrated mode, it is important to ensure that it is installed on a SharePoint server, and not on a SQL Server. It’s a bit counter-intuitive because the installation files are on the SQL Server media, and not the Sharepoint media. This causes confusion in a number of areas, but one question that I hear a lot is in the realm of licensing.

Technically, using any SQL Server component on any server requires a full SQL Server license for that component for each server. Running SQL Server Analysis Services and SQL Server Database on two different machines requires two different licenses. Seen that way, putting the SSRS Service on a SharePoint server would require a second license of SQL Server, which can be an expensive proposition. It also doesn’t make much sense, because it promotes bad design. Luckily, the SSRS service application is specifically exempted from additional licensing requirements. The following is taken directly from the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP1 license document. Section 2.5 states:

2.5    Running Instances of the Additional Software.

You may run or otherwise use any number of instances of additional software listed below in physical or virtual operating system environments on any number of devices. You may use additional software only with the server software directly, or indirectly through other additional software.

  • Business Intelligence Development Studio
  • Client Tools Backward Compatibility
  • Client Tools Connectivity
  • Client Tools SDK
  • Data Quality Client
  • Data Quality Services
  • Distributed Replay Client
  • Distributed Replay Controller
  • Management Tools – Basic
  • Management Tools – Complete
  • Reporting Services – SharePoint
  • Reporting Services Add-in for SharePoint Products
  • Master Data Services
  • Sync Framework
  • SQL Client Connectivity SDK
  • SQL Server 2012 Books Online


Notice that little bullet point “Reporting Services – SharePoint”? That’s the service application. Put simply, this means that in order to use SSRS in SharePoint Integrated mode, you’ll need to have at least one licensed SQL server, but you don’t need to run it on the SQL machine. In fact, according to the line “any number of instances” you can run it on as many SharePoint servers as you wish to take advantage of load balancing without incurring any additional licensing cost for SQL Server.


The New Power BI – Now With Enterprise!

Yesterday Microsoft announced the next step in the evolution of Power BI. It’s getting quite a bit of attention, and rightly so for its aim of bringing Business Intelligence closer to users. Democratizing BI has always proved a challenge – it’s the realm of the gurus in the white coats that hold the keys to the data. Microsoft is aiming to accomplish this democratization through a combination of user focus, and as of yesterday, a drastic change in its pricing model. Power BI just went from about $40 per user per month, to free, or $9.99/user/month for advanced capabilities. That’s quite a drop, and arguably the biggest announcement from yesterday – it will have a massive impact. The detailed price breakdown can be found here.

However, all of the focus around personal BI is, in my opinion, missing a key component. Power BI and its components have always focused squarely on both personal and team BI solutions. That is to say the ability for a power user to model data, visualize it quickly and easily and to share it out with fellow team members. While that capability is certainly retained in the new Power BI, this new version contains the first appearance of enterprise grade BI in the cloud for Microsoft.

To fully understand this, it’s necessary to touch on the Microsoft BI stack as it stands today.

Microsoft BI On Premises

The On-Premises BI story from Microsoft may be confusing, and occasionally difficult to understand, but it is very powerful, and relatively complete. In a nutshell, the story is good from a personal, team and enterprise perspective.

On the enterprise side, there are products from both the SQL Server team, and the Office team. Data warehousing is served by SQL Server and ETL duties fall to SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS). Multidimensional analysis storage is served by SQL Server Analysis Services in both OLAP and Tabular modes, and Reporting is performed by SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). The SQL product line doesn’t have much on the client side for analysis apart from SSRS, but this slack is taken up by the analysis tools available in Excel, and through Performance Point services in SharePoint.

Indeed, SharePoint also provides a platform for SSRS via SSRS SharePoint mode, and for Excel based analytical workbooks connected to SQL Server and to SSAS through Excel Services.

On the personal BI side, that role has traditionally fallen to Excel. The pitfalls of importing data into Excel workbooks for analysis are well documented and don’t need to be discussed here, but the bulk of those issues were addressed with the introduction of PowerPivot several years ago. PowerPivot allows for massive amounts of data to be cached within the Excel file for analysis without any data integrity concerns. The addition in recent years of  analytic visuals (Power View, Power Map) and ETL capabilities (Power Query) have further rounded out the offering.

Taking that Excel workbook and sharing it brings us into the realm of Team BI. This is to say that the analyses are relatively modest in size, and of interest to a targeted group. These models may not require the rigour or reliability associated with enterprise BI models. Once again, the technology involved here is SharePoint. A user can take a workbook with an embedded PowerPivot model, share it through a SharePoint library, and other users can interact with that embedded model using only a browser. This capability requires PowerPivot for SharePoint, which is really a specialized version of SSAS, along with a SharePoint service application.

One thing to note about these seemingly disparate approaches is that a power user can build a Power Pivot data model with Excel, share it to a team via SharePoint, and when it requires sufficient rigour or management, it can be “upgraded” into SSAS in tabular mode. This common model approach is powerful, and is key to understanding Microsoft’s entire BI strategy. You can also see here that SharePoint straddles the two worlds of team and enterprise BI.

Moving to the cloud

The BI workload is one of the last Microsoft workloads to move to the cloud, and with good reason. Massive amounts of data present problems of scale, and security or data sovereignty concerns tend to keep data on premises. However, there is a very real need to provide BI to users outside of the firewall.

SharePoint is the hub of BI on prem, so it’s logical to assume that with SharePoint Online, it could continue to perform that function in the cloud. The big catch here is that on-prem, SharePoint is simply the display platform. In the enterprise scenario, users connect through SharePoint to the back end servers. This isn’t an option in the cloud, so enterprise BI was left off the table.

With the personal and team BI scenarios, data is cached in a Power Pivot data model, which could be supported in the cloud. When Office 365 moved to the SharePoint 2013 code base for SharePoint online, rudimentary support for embedded Power Pivot models was indeed added. Essentially PowerPivot for SharePoint “light” was added. I call it light for two major reasons. Firstly, data models could be no larger than 10 MB. Secondly, there was no way to update the data contained within the Power Pivot cache, outside of re-uploading the Excel workbook. This is still true without a Power BI license. The inability to refresh the data renders team BI almost useless, except in static data scenarios.

The first generation of Power BI changed all of that. With a Power BI license, it was possible to install a Data Management Gateway on premises that would connect to team BI workbooks in Office 365 and update them on a scheduled basis. Yes, the gateway had many limitations (many of which have been removed over time), but finally, the on-prem refresh story was solved. In addition, the model size limit was increased to 250 MB. However, we were still left with a number of problems or limitations.

  1. Daily data refresh schedule. Automatic data refreshes could be daily at their most frequent. Manual refreshes could be done anytime
  2. Capacity. The maximum size of a data model was increased to 250 MB, which is relatively small for enterprise scenarios. In addition, refreshes aren’t differential, which means that the entire model is re-uploaded on every refresh
  3. Data sensitivity/sovereignty.  The refresh problem was solved, but because the data is still cached in the workbooks, there can be reluctance to sending it outside of the corporate firewall
  4. Per User Security – Power Pivot data models have no concept of user security in a workbook (tabular models in SSAS do). Security is at the workbook level
  5. Cost. This initial cost of Power BI was $40 per user per month. A power BI license was required to interact with any workbook that had a data model larger than 10 MB. Considering that a full Office 365 E3 license was around $25 per user per month, this price tended to limit the audience for sharing.

All of this is to say that Power BI in its first (and as yet current) incarnation is suitable for personal and team BI only. There has been no enterprise cloud BI story.

Power BI V2

The announcements yesterday outlined the next generation of Power BI. Going forward, Power BI will be available as a standalone offering, at the price points offered above. Office 365 users will continue to be able to use it from Office 365, but Office 365 will no longer be required to use it. In it’s early days, Power BI was a SharePoint app, but a careful examination of URLs in the current offering quickly reveals that it’s actually two apps currently, both running on Azure (not in SharePoint).

If you’ve signed up for the new Power BI preview, you may notice that the URL is…… so this move isn’t a big surprise.

With the new model, Excel is no longer the central container. Users connect to data and publish it directly to Power BI. Behind the scenes, the service is doing a very similar thing as what it does with Power Pivot models – it’s storing them in SSAS. In fact, the same limits still apply – 250 MB per model (at least for now) Excel can still be used, but now it is as a data source.

Visualizations are performed through Power Views, and data is acquired through Power Query. These are no longer add-ons, but available on their own through Power BI Designer. This decoupling is good for those that have not made an investment in SharePoint Online, or Excel.

These changes to the architecture and the cost are great news for adoption, but don’t address the needs of the enterprise. Except for one thing – The SSAS Connector.


One of the data sources available to the new Power BI is the SSAS data connector. This connector is a piece of code that runs on premises (it actually includes the Data Management Gateway). It acts as a bridge between the Power BI service, and an on prem SSAS server.

The biggest distinction worth noting is that with the gateway, data is NOT being uploaded to the service, it remains on prem. The way that it works is that when a user interacts with a visualization from the cloud, a query is sent to the SSAS server through the gateway. That query is run, and its results sent back to the user’s visualization, and the data is not persisted.

In addition, when the query is sent back to the SSAS it is run with the permission of the user making the request. This is accomplished through the EFFECTIVEUSERNAME feature in SSAS. This provides for full user level security, and since tabular models in SSAS can utilize per user security, we no longer need to rely on proxy accounts/document level security.

Finally, because the data is being stored in an on prem SSAS server, it can be refreshed automatically as often as desired. For the same reason, we have no capacity limits – you can grow your own SSAS servers as large as you like.

The SSAS connector removes most of the limitations that prevent cloud based enterprise Business Intelligence, and the new pricing model removes the rest. Certainly there are going to be feature limits in the near term, but it appears to me at least that the back of this thorny problem has finally been cracked.


Reporting Services Web Part Error After SharePoint Upgrade

I recently completed an upgrade of SharePoint 2010 to 2013 for a customer that was using Reporting Services integrated mode fairly heavily. After the initial upgrade however, I was getting the following error whenever I tried to access a page that contained a Reporting Services report viewer web part:

Web Part Error: A Web Part or Web Form Control on this Page cannot be displayed or imported. The type Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.UI.WebParts.ReportViewerWebPart,Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.UI.WebParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91 could not be found or it is not registered as safe.

The version of Reporting Services on the originating SharePoint 2010 farm was from SQL Server 2008 R2 (version 10) and the version in the new farm was SQL Server 2012 SP1 (version 11). The message pretty clearly indicates that it was having trouble loading a version 10 instance of the web part assembly, so I opened up the web.config file for my application, and sure enough, while there was a safecontrols entry for version 11 of the assembly, there was none for version 10. There was a binding redirect for the assembly itself (redirecting from version 10 to 11), so this was pretty clearly a bug in the installation process (SQL server install team take note!).

This would only affect content brought forth from an older SSRS system which is what I had. One solution would be to re-add all of the web parts onto the relevant pages. That would explicitly use new assembly references, but would also take a great deal of time. Another would be to directly edit the web.config files of all of the farm applications. While not generally considered best practice, this would solve the problem, especially since it corrects an oversight.

Hunting around, I came across my friend Chris O’Connor’s blog post on this very topic. Chris had this exact issue, and a rather large farm with multiple applications to deal with, so he built some PowerShell script to add these entries back in. The complete script is in Chris’ post.

In any event, regardless of the method used, adding the safe controls entry into the web.config file(s) fixes this particular issue. On to the next problem…..


Error 1603 Installing Reporting Services Add-In onto a New SharePoint Server

I had an interesting (annoying) error this week at a customer site. I was adding a new server to an existing SharePoint farm. This was a relatively new farm, installed a couple of months previously. This farm has SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) installed. The new server wasn’t running the SSRS service application, but as with any WFE server, it needed the SSRS SharePoint add-in installed.

Although the SQL Server Reporting Services add-in is included as part of the SharePoint Server prerequisites install, it’s an older version. Since in this case I was using SSRS 2012 SP1, so I needed to manually install it. However, attempting to do so resulted in a rather nasty failure error 1603, and the add-in simply refused to install. I hadn’t seen this one before.

Poking around a bit, I found that you can get this error when the installed version of the bits on a SharePoint server don’t match with what has been applied. This is the state of a server after a Cumulative Update or Service Pack has been installed, but PSConfig (the Products Configuration Wizard) has not yet been run. I then ran the configuration wizard on the new server, and it did in fact indicate that a upgrade was needed. This was a bit confusing, as I had only just installed the SharePoint bits on this machine. How did this happen?

Well, as has been my practice for some time, whenever I install SharePoint bits on a server, I immediately run Windows update to make sure that everything is nice and new. It’s a new server, that’s the worst that could happen, right? Wrong. As I was aware (but had forgotten about), in September, Microsoft started delivering SharePoint updates along with regular Windows updates. This, in my opinion, is not a good thing, and is why as pointed out by Todd Klindt, you should no longer enable auto update on your SharePoint servers. You should apparently be careful of doing manual updates as well.

My little Windows update had snuck in some SharePoint updates causing the upgrade requirement, and the problem with the SSRS add-in. In addition, since this was a multi server environment, it put this server out of step with the other servers. After bringing the rest of the servers up to the latest update level, and running PSConfig on all of them, I was able to install the SSRS add-in on the new server. All was right with the world again.


Reporting Services Web Part Won’t Save Parameters with SharePoint 2013 SP1

We recently performed an installation of SharePoint 2013 with SP1 for a customer using the slipstreamed ISO available on MSDN. Part of the rollout in this case involved migrating a number of reports from a standalone instance of SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) to SSRS running in SharePoint integrated mode. However, during the creation of some new reports, we observed something odd. The custom parameter values were not being saved for web parts that were using these reports.

SSRS web parts in SharePoint allow for a report to be displayed within a web part, a therefore in part of the page. Report parameters created in the report can be exposed as web part properties. Therefore, you can have multiple instances of the same report on different pages using different parameters. You can also connect the web part to other web parts, such as SharePoint filters, and have the parameters driven by these filter values. However, in this particular case, none of it was working. The parameter could be saved, and applied, but when the page was saved, the parameter values would revert to their defaults.

After doing some digging, I came across this discussion on the MSDN forums. The discussion indicated that there may be a regression bug in SharePoint 2013 Service Pack 1 that exhibited this behaviour, and that the application of the May 2014 Cumulative Update had helped them somewhat. We had never seen this issue with builds prior to SP1. Given that our farm had not yet gone live, we quickly acquired and applied the July 2014 CU in the hopes that it would help.

It did.

In our case, it fixed the problem completely, however there was one small negative side effect. All of the web parts that had been added to pages before the update completely lost all of their saved properties, including the report that they were pointing to. In our case, this was no big deal, but if you have a lot of these, it could be an annoyance. I also don’t know if this would happen generally with the July 2014 CU, or it was only because that the original system was affected (as I suspect).

In any event, this apparently was a regression bug introduced with SP1, and applying the July 2014 CU clearly fixed this problem for us. Our new baseline for SharePoint 2013 will not be sP1, but SP1 with the July 2014 CU.

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